Искусственная трава. Казахстан. Производство и укладка. Россия
ТОО "Карат-Астана". Производство и укладка искусственной травы

искусственная трава в Казахстане и России. о компании. производствои укладка  искусственных покрытий и травы.Казахстан. услуги - укладка искусственной травы, установка дренажа, основания на футбольных полях Искусственная трава, напольные покрытия, спортивные покрытия, искусственный газон, тартановые покрытия, ковролин
Искусственная трава, искусственный газон, спортивные покрытия.Казахстан. Производство ТОО "Карат".
Строительство футбольных полей с искусственным покрытием (травой)

Stacking of an artificial grass. Preparation of the basis.

  The system of stacking of an artificial grass and drainage allows to maintain a game field during a rain. Depending on a way of installation of a platform with an artificial grass are subdivided on filled (with a layer of quartz sand and rubber granules) and not filled. Fill allows to adjust height of "stalks" and density of a covering depending on a kind of sports, for employment(occupations) with which the concrete platform is intended. On the prepared basis (asphalt, concrete, or the specially prepared earth basis) is stacked a rolled material of an artificial covering, then is fallen asleep by sand and rubber granules.

  Thanking filling the artificial grass rubber granulesd manages to be avoided "burn" of a leather(skin) of the sportsman at fall on a lawn.

  The technology of stacking allows maximum to come nearer on characteristics to a natural lawn. The artificial grass can be stacked and be pasted on different surfaces. The basis for a covering can be prepared by "Customer" according to our instructions(indications) and recommendations. On all materials offered and established by our enterprise, the warranty period - 2 years works.

Our company more than five years is engaged in manufacture of an artificial grass. We specialize on modern sports coverings, one of which kinds is the artificial grass.

футбольный газон,искусственная трава в казахстане

The sports coverings, offered us, and equipment allow to equip the advanced sports structures. We offer only certificated production approved by the international federations.

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